If two or more people get the most votes in the election, the person who gets a majority of the votes at a public hearing attended by more than a majority of enrolled members will be declared the winner. The state must strive to protect motherhood. Administrative power belongs to the government led by the President. Relevant administrative agencies shall follow the instructions under paragraph 1. Public officials have the right to unite, bargain collectively, and take collective action only as prescribed by law. The President may issue a Presidential Decree on matters delegated by the law and matters necessary for the enforcement of the law within the specific scope of the law. All freedoms and rights of the people can be limited by law only when necessary for national security, maintenance of order, and public welfare, and even if limited, the essential content of freedom and rights cannot be violated.
The political and property rights of all citizens should not be restricted or deprived by retroactive legislation. Workers have the right to organize independently, negotiate as a group, and act as a group to improve working conditions. The Prime Minister, a member of the State Council or its committees must attend and respond to requests from the National Assembly, and if the Prime Minister or a member of the State Council is requested to attend, they may request a member of the National Assembly. The Council of State or the Minister of Government attends and responds. Parliament decides on mutual assistance or security treaties, treaties of important international organizations, friendly treaties, commercial and navigation treaties, treaties restricting sovereignty, peace treaties, treaties, treaties that impose significant economic burdens on countries or citizens, and treaties on legislative matters. The right to agree to conclusions and ratification.