성인용품 바로몰



The President shall immediately announce the reasons for paragraphs 3 and 4. The Audit Supervision Committee shall be composed of 5 to 11 members of the Audit Committee, including the Chairman. All citizens have the right to hold public office in accordance with the law. The term of office of the first President under this Constitution shall be calculated from the date of implementation of this Constitution. The President shall serve as Chairman of the State Council and the Prime Minister shall serve as Deputy Prime Minister. If the President requests a special meeting, the duration and reason for the meeting must be stated. Victims of crime may make statements during the trial in accordance with the law. Parliament must make a decision on the constitutional amendment within 60 days from the date of publication of the constitutional amendment, and the decision must be approved by at least two-thirds of the current members of Parliament.

Unless otherwise provided, this law shall come into force twenty days after the date of promulgation. The President may lift martial law if the National Assembly requests it and the majority of incumbent members agree. Affected public officials include the President, the Prime Minister, members of the State Council, heads of administrative agencies, judges of the Constitutional Court, judges, members of the Central Election Commission, the Chairman of the Audit and Supervision Commission, members of the Audit Commission and other public officials. If a public official violates the law in the performance of his duties, the National Assembly may decide on impeachment procedures. If a criminal suspect or defendant is prosecuted or acquitted according to law, he may demand appropriate compensation from the state according to law.