Armature Cum Ceiling Fan Stator Winding Machine (MI – 200CR)
The MI-200 CR is ideally suited for rewinders. The machine can wind armatures & Ceiling fan stators merely by changing the toolings. Provided with a tensioner, preset counter & accurately designed winding heads, the machine gives you consistent performance.
Capacity :
Armature Attachment.
Max core dia. 65 mm
Max core dia. 80 mm
The Machines accommodates all mixer, sewing machines, Tullu Pump & portable tool armatures.
Ceiling Fan Stator Attachment :
The machine is designed to wind any stator by merely adjusting the tooling. The toolings are designed to give you a perfect coil & consistent performance.
Automatic counter :
The present electronic counter in conjunction with dynamic braking accurately controls the number of turns. When the selectro is in the Fow-Rev mode the coils are wound in clockwise & anticlock-wise direction. ( For Ceiling Fans). When the Fow mode, the coils are wound in one direction. (i.e.Clockwise or anticlock wise for Armature winding.)
Winding Speed :
Variable upto 1200 rpm.
Electricals :
Permanent magnet D.C. motor, variable speed drive & associated control switches, lamps & fuses.
Electrical Supply : 230 V AC single phase 50 cycles.